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Bharati Subramanian

A Web Developer in the making who's passionate about programming, music, and books.


  1. Blogs and Social Media
  2. August 7, 2021


    Wrote blogs on CSS and JavaScript to highlight my learnings, and posted them on the portfolio. Added social media links in the portfolio to connect with developers.

    Blogs Social Links

  3. Stock: Profit or Loss?
  4. August 6, 2021


    Application created using JavaScript that compares the price of stock bought by the user with the current stock price to check if the user gained profit or loss.

    Live Demo View Source

  5. Is Your Birth Date A Palindrome?
  6. August 4, 2021


    Aa application created using JavaScript that checks if the user's birth date is a palindrome. If not, the application displays the nearest palindrome to the birth date.

    Live Demo View Source

  7. Play With Triangles
  8. August 1, 2021


    A fun application created using ReactJs that tests your knowledge of triangles and it's types!

    Live Demo View Source

  9. Is Your Birthday Lucky?
  10. July 29, 2021


    An application created using JavaScript that takes the birthday and lucky number of the user to tell if their birth date is lucky or not!

    Live Demo View Source

  11. Cash Register Manager
  12. July 21, 2021


    Web App created using JavaScript that allows users to find the number of notes to return to a customer, given the bill and cash amount.

    Live Demo View Source

  13. Book Recommender
  14. July 06, 2021


    Web App created using ReactJS that allows user click genres to view Books read and recommended by Bharati Subramanian.

    Live Demo View Source

  15. Emoji Interpreter
  16. July 06, 2021


    This is a small web app using ReactJS that interprets the emojis entered and clicked by the user.

    Live Demo View Source

  17. Star Trek's Vulcan Translator
  18. July 03, 2021


    This is a fun and simple translator that converts English to the famous Star Trek's Vulcan language.

    Live Demo View Source

  19. Minion's Banana Talk
  20. June 30, 2021


    This is a fun, simple and sweet translator that translates English to Minion's Banana language.

    Live Demo View Source

  21. Adding Blogs to Portfolio
  22. June 29, 2021


    Posting my Blogs to the portfolio which highlights my learnings and journey in development.

    Live Demo View on Dev

  23. Portfolio Website
  24. June 29, 2021


    My portfolio website that lists down my skills, learnings, blogs and project work.

    Live Demo View Source

  25. Do you know me?
  26. June 12, 2021


    This is a fun, short quiz to test how well my close friends and family know me!

    Live Demo View Source

  27. Are you a Potterhead?
  28. June 12, 2021


    Are you a Potterhead fan? Take this quiz to test how well you know the Harry Potter books.

    Live Demo View Source

  29. GitHub + Netlify Integration
  30. June 11, 2021


    First website hosted on GitHub, and separate repositories created for projects along with updated README.

    Site Hosted on Netlify View Source
    markTwo Quiz Repo markOne Quiz Repo